X16 Edit

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Changed: 7c7
License: GPL
License: GNU General Public License 3

Text editor for the Commander X16 computer, inspired by GNU Nano

 Author:   Stefan Jakobsson
 Homepage: https://github.com/stefan-b-jakobsson/x16-edit
 Family:   8bitMicroFamily
 Platform: Commander X16
 License:  GNU General Public License 3

X16 Edit is a text editor written in 65C02 assembly for the Commander X16 computer. Programming started in 2020.

The editor is inspired by GNU Nano, but doesn't support all its features.

The Commander X16 is as of July 2021 still under construction. The editor is feature complete, and is planned to reach version 1.0 after being tested on the real hardware.


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Last edited July 24, 2021 4:19 am (diff)